Berkowitz Releases Position Statement on Veterans' Issues

Press Release

Date: June 19, 2008
Location: Juneau, AK
Issues: Veterans

Berkowitz Releases Position Statement on Veterans' Issues

Today Congressional candidate Ethan Berkowitz released a new position statement on Veteran's issues. The statement covers Berkowitz's positions on health care, benefits and the new G.I. Bill.

"I am proud to release a statement that emphasizes the importance of veterans' issues in my policy plan for our state," Berkowitz said. "Alaska has the highest per capita population of veterans in the country. It's important to make Veterans' issues Alaskan and American issues, and I plan to do so when I represent our state in Washington DC."

Berkowitz's Veterans' policy calls for providing excellent medical care and comprehensive education and job benefits to Veterans while improving government services and ensuring that Veterans are fully informed about the benefits they are entitled to. He looks forward to working aggressively on Veterans' issues in Washington DC.

Ethan Berkowitz served in the Alaska State House from 1996-2006, and was the Democratic Leader from 1998-2006.
